Unspecific Praise = It’s a No Go

Posted: June 15, 2012 in Blog post

What is it about us neurotic types? We can read a glowing review of our work, then manage to interpret even the smallest reservation as an insult.

I write short stories. Gratefully, I’ve had a few published and when I do, I share those small but meaningful milestones with my friends, family, and followers. I receive a variety of responses.

Here’s some advice: the best way to tell a friend you haven’t read their work is to reply with unspecific praise.  I’ve listed a few examples here followed by my translations. Enjoy!


My translation:
I LOVE it! I didn’t read it.
Can’t wait to read it! I have no intention of reading it.
Congrats! I didn’t read it.
Wow! Are you kidding? I barely read your email! I’m certainly not reading your damn story.
Nice, reminds me of something (insert name of popular author here) might write. I read the first sentence.
I will read it tonight. I promise! I didn’t read it. I’m never going to read it.
That is so cool! Who are you and why do you keep emailing me?
I love (insert a reference to the story title here). I resent you and no, I didn’t read it.
Can’t wait to read more of your writing. I only read stories 160 characters or less.

  1. Spark Editor says:

    Hey, these are the same things editors say, too!

    I mean, erm, care to submit something to our anthology? http://sparkanthology.org

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